[War Season Collection] is an ongoing project started in 2019 that takes images from clothing advertising in social media platforms showing outfits that are similar to military uniforms, and scenarios that are related to war landscapes, and re-publish them on the same social media platform from where they were taken from. 

Our expected behavior as users of interfaces like instagram is to scroll for hours, peeping into others, and sporadically stopping to “like” some picture or to "shop now". Instead, I pause my own alienated gesture of scrolling down, to take a screenshot of every clothing advertising that appears on my feed, archive it, and later publish it, with the intention of communicating with the other users through a critical view on them.

The work opens a question on how society is preparing itself to inhabit a dystopian city, on how images in advertising and war journalism are feeding each other. And from a macro point of view, it inquiries on how any image is necessarily inserted into the stream of images of a given society.

Some of the reactions are: emoji reaction, a short comment, reply with another similar image found on the internet or on the same platform, an idea or thought on the same topic, a recommendation of a book or article, potential projects.

Full project: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17881941781460326/